IT4Sale takes care of the recovery, inventory, asset registration and data wiping of your obsolete IT-equipment. Does your company have hard drives, solid state drives or other datacarriers that need their data removed and destroyed? IT4Sale completely takes care of this for you. Do you need more security? In this case IT4Sale will perform the destruction of your datacarriers on-site.

IT4Sale also provides for fully certified data wiping. We will provide you with a certificate that guarantees that your confidential files and data have been permanently deleted. Certified data wiping means we work according to certain European and/or international wiping standards, which for instance conforms to the new European AVG legislature. This is the most trustworthy form of wiping your data.

Less risks when using certified data wiping by IT4Sale

This way your risks are mitigated, your costs are kept down and your company’s stress is relieved when it comes to your obsolete datacarriers. And on top of that our workmethod is also environmentally friendly. When equipment isn’t able to be refurbished or reused, IT4Sale recycles its parts. We try to discard as little as possible, which is less of a strain on the environment. In addition to certified data wiping, IT4Sale also provides a source for refurbished IT-hardware; for instance printers, spare parts and servers.

Are you curious as to what IT4Sale can mean to you when it comes to data wiping or any other of our services? Don’t put your files and data at risk, and make sure your hardware is properly taken care of and reused. Contact us!